Thursday, February 28, 2013

Flautas, Comida de Los Cielos

Buenas Tardes!

Not a lot has been going on lately... Don't know what the deal is- maybe things are just getting routine-ish.

Last week after writing you, we went to the temple and that was great!  I love the Manhattan Temple- it's beautiful all around.  And the temple is just great all in all.  Afterwards we went shopping at Century 21 (sweet clothing shop- like Marshall's but 20x better).  I got a new tie and some presents that I'll be sending home soon.  Hopefully...

Can't remember much from Thursday.

Friday was a good though- we went to a our first appointment with a guy that we knocked into and committed him to baptism!  He's ready to change his life and we're excited to continue to share our message with him to help him do such.  We also had some good experiences with an "Area Proselyte Focus"  where everybody in our zone went knocking for a set of English missionaries in the Zone.  We talked to some people and taught the ten points of "How to Begin Teaching" (in chapter 10 of Preach My Gospel) to a lady and it was good.  She almost committed to baptism too.  We're being kind of bold in inviting people right away because that's really what it's all about- baptism, and using that as a step be able to fully access the Atonement.  That night we taught English Class and it was great!  I love teaching English class and I really love our students.

Saturday was great- got to teach English Class again and then we got to go eat at one of my favorite member's houses.  We had flautas- probably my favorite food I've had.  If you ever get the opportunity to have flautas, take it because they're the best!  Nothing terribly exciting happened after that.

Sundays are pretty draining- lots of time spent at the church and that's about it.  We had a couple of appointments after and that was about it.

Monday we had interviews and those were good.  It was the first time getting to do that since coming from the mission home.  President Morgan is great and he gave some good advice.  Afterwards we had a couple good appointments.

Tuesday we had service- working at an old folks home where everybody speaks Spanish, had a couple appointments and then English Class.  That was about it.

Today we did our normal preparation day chores, then we went to the United Nations!  Kind of crazy, but yeah there's a member in our ward that works there so he gave us a good inside tour of the place.  I'll send some pictures.  It was really inspiring though seeing where the world comes together to try to make sure things aren't crazy.  I would love to have a career that allows me to interact with people from all over the world.

Random note- there's an Alex Bermudez who works with the Young Men in our ward that served in Grayson and Collins Hill- he remembers eating at the Gregerson's and a lot of the other Grayson Ward people and so he says "Hey!"  It was good reminicing over good ol' Georgia.

So that was my week!  We've got transfers in a week, so we'll see what goes down!  Things are going well (and we've got a good Mexican dinner tonight, so even better!), and I'm looking forward to the upcoming week.  Thanks for all the support back home- I hope you have a great upcoming week!

-Elder Griffiths

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