Friday, February 8, 2013

El Llegar A Ser Mexicano

Buenas Noches!

I don't have a lot of time to write tonight, but I'm a little scatter brained right now, so that's probably an okay thing.  There's been a lot that's happened in the past week and a half, but nothing that I can think of in particular.  Elder Loera and I are just loading up on appointments and going to work!  And the training we had Wednseday was pretty sweet!  It was from Tracie Watson, the guy who had a large part in putting Preach My Gospel together, and he essentially taught about how the focus of the way we teach as missionaries is going to be more about talking about the repentance process and about how to go about evaluating lessons in a better manner.  We were one of three missions in the world that got that training early (just testing it out on us), and we were two of the ten zones in our mission that got to take part of that, so it was definitely a privilege.  Things are going pretty well!

Fun fact- I really am getting to be a big fan of spicy things.  I think Jalapeno peppers are great and I just bought a bottle of some hot sauce called Valentina that I absolutely love.  We've been fed a lot lately, and though we've been running in the mornings, I think I'm putting on a little weight- just like three to five pounds.  I think I'm going to work on not taking second servings from people, but when food tastes so good, it's hard to say no...  I love serving in little Mexico.

One thing that was brought to my attention again this morning during my personal study was the fact that God doesn't give us challenges that we can't first of all, overcome, and second of all, that aren't for our betterment.  As we move forward with hope in all of God's promises and with faith that God is able to do anything as we trust in Him, and as we're motivated by charity for our fellow man, things will be made better.  Problems will work out as we seek to be obedient to the scriptures, the modern day prophets and the Spirit.  I know that's true and I love testifying of that to the people we teach.

I hope all is well at home and abroad!  Hopefully I survive the blizzard to write another letter next week...  Haha have a great week!

-Elder Griffiths

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